Friday, February 28, 2014

Holocaust Impact

The Holocaust didn't just impact people regarding their lives. it also impacted their whole family generations. After somebody goes through such a traumatic time, their life cant just simple stay the same. They will be emotionally scared and sometimes even physically scared too. Their families generations will might live their life fearfully and be told stories about their ancestors in the Holocaust and will then be thankful for everything that they have and not take anything for granted. Unlike people who never had to go through a hard time like that.
 Their religion might also be affected. Most Jews, I would think, will stay Jewish. but some might even consider changing their religion out of fear because of what had happened in the past to people that they have loved. I feel sorry for the people who still get discriminated on because they are Jewish. I believe that they should not be judged just based on their religion. They are human too.

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