Friday, March 21, 2014

Winter in Michigan

In most parts of Michigan, the grass is starting to come through. most would agree that this winter has be one of the worst we have ever seen. Studies show that we haven't seen a winter this bad in over 100 years. Many records were set this winter including most inches fallen, longest winter, and if we accumulate 3 more inches, we will break the most snow received in a whole winter. People have been looking forward to this spring since November and cabin fever has been a huge problem. This winter was so harsh, that it actually put people into a depression. Our ambition to do anything is gone and suicide rates are slowly rising. Doctor Zelink did multiple studies and has warned the general public to seek medical attention if you are exercising lack of ambition, long sadness, and loss of appetite. Winter is soused to be a time of joy and celebration of Christmas and a happy new year; however this winter has been anything but. Students have also gotten to the point where just seeing grass would be better than a snow day. This winter hasn't been just bad for s but our government as well. So much time and money is spent on the roads to salt them and also to fix all the pot holes. Pot holes themselves has caused to many people to spend on fixing suspenders and tires. This winter has been one of the worst and we can all agree this summer that we will appreciate the warm weather more than ever. 

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