Thursday, April 17, 2014

Severe Weather Warnings

Recently, the news has been covering a lot on sever weather. With the past winter that we have just encountered extending all the way from late November to just a few weeks ago,  we have endured more than 94.8 inches. That amount of snow beat the record of the most snow that has ever fallen since the winter of 1974-1975. But that is not all. Already this year we also encountered hail, thunderstorms, and strong winds. Specialist have predicted that Michigan this year should defiantly  expect to encounter severe weather and tornadoes. In 2010, 2011,  and 2013, we have not had one recorded tornado touch the ground. But in 2012, three have touched the ground here in Michigan. They have predicted this year to be more like the year of 2012. They advise all Michiganians to study up on their sever weather alerts and know what their individual counties do to warn their population. This summer will no doubt be one of the craziest weathered we had in a while. So study up, and always be prepared.

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