Friday, May 2, 2014

Great Society Today

Although the Great Society occurred a while back in the 1960's , it still plays major roles on our life today. One major thing that it affected was our healthcare. Back then Johnson created Medicare and Medicaid. Medicare was for the people older than 65 and Medicaid was for the people that were in poverty. That alone has sent huge shockwaves through our society. People like me would agree that Medicare was a great thing in giving money to people who physically couldn't support themselves. Even though the money is being taken away from the middle and upper classes in their taxes. However, Medicaid is not a good thing in the slightest bit. In a sense, we (the middle class0 are giving money to people who don't want to get up and work. I am aware of the people who aren't physically able to do anything and that why I think to get Medicaid, you should have to get a doctors note saying that you actually need it. I feel like that would be more fair to all the people of the United States. Obama care is huge now a days and in a way that's the same thing as Medicaid. In Conclusion, I feel Healthcare has always been a problem in the U.S that started with the Great Society with 2 clear sides.

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