Friday, May 16, 2014

Vietnam War Protest Songs

In the song "Imagine" by John Lennon, he talks about the world being one. When you really listen to the lyrics, you can tell that he is talking about how the world is all separated into different categories and it would be a lot better if the world was all united together. No more wars, no ore countries, no more religion.  Togetherness is huge in this song. The main idea is not to be different but all be together. One example coming from this song is the Vietnam War. He says, "Imagine there's no countries, it isn't hard to do, nothing to kill and die for, and no religion too. imagine all the people, living life in peace". He is saying that there will be so much more good in the world if there was no more wars and that it was more peaceful. It would be a better life for all of us. The counterculture is trying to bring about peace and relaxation. They are also saying that war is bad and that people should all be one with each other. they use a saying, "Tune in, Turn on, and drop out". Those different small phrases mean to be one with yourself, use drugs and relax, and be different than the norm. This is almost exactly what the song is trying to get across to their audience.

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