Friday, May 23, 2014

Political Involvement for Teens

The teenagers in high school today are almost not involved at all in our politics today. They are way to busy being on their phones, social media, and watching sports. I know for me I spend most of my day either on my phone or doing something with sports and watching politics are not on my list. however this could really hurt us in the future. When my generation is older and looking for jobs and all of the people in politics today are retired, who is going to do that job? The teens who have no idea what they are talking about because all they learned was how to tweet and post pictures? We have to get this generation involved in politics so when its their turn to take roles in the government, they can hit the ground running. Our nation will be in extreme trouble if people in office have no idea what they are talking about. Being updated about what is happening in the political world s beneficial even if you are not looking at a job in that field anyway. Economy can effect what you spend your money on in an instant so you should be informed so you know when those events happen. The only way that generation will get more involved is if they put in on the social media sites that we use to day like twitter and instagram. The more this generation is informed, the brighter our future is for this great nation.

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